We offer a free initial phone or video discussion to enable you to discuss your current situation and consider your hopes of our involvement. We can talk to you more about how we work and we can see if we are going to be the right fit for each other.
We will send you an agreement of the work agreed and the cost.
There is no obligation to proceed with the work negotiated at this point.
We recognise that each situation is unique. Therefore it is important to spend time develop a clear understanding of the purpose of our involvement and the hoped for outcomes.
For parent commissioned work we start with a consultation to help to gather information about the current situation and plan next steps. If the aim is to support your child/young person at school you can invite key school staff so that we can discuss the current situation and plan next steps together. We will send you a short written record of the meeting with the actions agreed. This can be used as part of the 'plan, do, review' cycle for EHC applications if you would like to pursue this.
From the initial consultation it should be more clear whether we need to have further involvement and what the purpose of this will be. We can then agree a further cost for the work depending on the time required.
For school commissioned work, schools might like to access our parent/teacher online consultation service (as above) or they might buy a package of support for a number of days over the year and use it in different ways, for example supporting an understanding of the needs individual students or supporting staff or whole school development.
For most work we provide a summary of our involvement. Depending on the nature of the work, this might look a bit different in each case.
We try to plan in time to review how things are going, following our involvement. This can help to adjust the next steps we planned accordingly.
This can form a plan, do, review cycle which is particularly required for EHC Needs Assessment applications.
We will always welcome clients feedback as part of our own review processes.
Copyright © 2021 Nurturing Progress - All Rights Reserved.
Nurturing Progress Ltd. Registered Company Number 14642197
Registered office:123 Stratford Road, Warwick, Warwickshire, cv34 6bq